Discussion – 


So many miles, so much time … and then we connect

It’s taken a while; almost four years since the launch of the Heart of Australia clinic-on-wheels project, but just over a fortnight ago in Toowoomba, we connected with older Queenslanders through the remarkable University of the Third Age.

And it was a memorable hookup, even if a while in coming. Heart of Australia founder and cardiologist, Dr Rolf Gomes, found himself facing a keenly-interested audience of 159 ladies and gentlemen – later-life students and partners.

It was part of a U3A “Dynamic Life” guest speaker program and according to the local president for eight years, Mrs Rhonda Weston, there were two clear issues for the audience – “the passion and determination of Dr Gomes, along with the fact that he (effectively) started Heart of Australia” all on his own.

Meanwhile, Dr. Gomes says he was “overwhelmed and humbled by the interest and sense of welcome and support for the project” at the U3A meeting.

For the record: Mrs Weston and her husband David left just days after the meeting to take part in an international U3A conference in China as Australian representatives.

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