Support Our Work

Your Donation includes GST*

Thank you for supporting the mission of the Heart of Australia program which brings regular specialist services including cardiology, endocrinology, gynaecology and gastroenterology and more, to regional and remote communities across Queensland.

Our vision is to expand our service footprint to further improve the health and wellbeing of people living in these communities.

Heart of Australia is a proprietary limited company and therefore donations are not tax-deductible.

If you would like to make a donation by cheque or via direct bank transfer please contact our friendly staff on 1800 HEARTOZ (1800 432 786) or email [email protected].


Heart of Australia do not partake in door knocking, telemarketing, emailing or postal campaigns requesting donations. Should you receive a request to donate in this manner, please contact our staff at Heart of Australia to let us know on 1800 HEARTOZ.

We will never ask you for your personal details, bank account or credit card details in a means other than our secure webpage which is supported by PayPal.

Suspicious behaviour should be reported to the Police immediately.

By CheQue

We accept donations via cheque if you would like to make a donation by cheque or via direct bank transfer please contact our friendly staff on 1800 HEARTOZ (1800 432 786) or email [email protected].

Give Online

You can make donations at any time online via our website. We support multiple payment methods including VISA, Mastercard and PayPal. Simply click on the button at the top of this page to get started.

How your support makes a difference

Since 2014, Heart of Australia has been working to improve access to specialist medical services in rural and remote communities.  In that time, Heart of Australia has seen over 18,000 patients and saved over 800 lives.

All support received contributes to the important work that our program offers in those regions. This includes the production and maintenance of the Heart Truck fleet, improving the equipment used, and expanding the areas we can reach.

Thank you for supporting the mission of Heart of Australia and showing your commitment to equal healthcare for all.

I own a Business and would like to Work with HEart of Australia?

If you are a business and would like to collaborate with heart of Australia please visit our Partnership Enquires page to find out more about how you can help.

Is My Donation Tax Deductible?

Heart of Australia is a proprietary limited company and therefore donations are not tax deductible.