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Patient Letter: Thanks to ‘Heart of Australia’ and Professor Darren Walters

Charles Burcher is back on his farm 68kms North/West of Goondiwindi checking this year’s wheat crop for mice damage!

Charles saw Professor Walters due to shortness of breath on exercise, some pain at times in his back behind his shoulder blades and increasing pain in the right side of his neck and right shoulder causing right arm weakness, thought to be from a pinched nerve in his neck. Charles also experienced long-standing pain in his legs with walking. After going to St Vincent’s Hospital in Brisbane in June and having an angioplasty and stent done to his main coronary artery down the front of his heart by Professor Walters, Charles is a new man! The bad pain in the right side of his neck and shoulder was improved within days after the procedure and he was able to use his arm which was limited previously by the pain. Charles’s leg pains have also improved. Looking back, he realises he was experiencing back pain in the months prior to seeing ‘Heart of Australia’ but as he did not have chest pain did not realise this pain could be related to his heart.

Having specialist consultations by “Heart of Australia’ in country towns means that people like Charles can seek specialist treatment and follow up after procedures readily instead of having to go to the city for these services.

Many thanks to ‘Heart of Australia’ and Professor Walters for improving my father’s health! There is no doubt that my father would not be enjoying the health he now has without your valuable service.

Written by Denise Burcher (daughter)

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