Discussion – 


“In Their Own Words” / Lindsay MacDonald

We often receive inspiring and powerful messages from patients and their loved ones regarding our service. With their permission, we share them with you, as told ‘In Their Own Words’.

“I would be grateful if you would pass on our thanks to the Heart of Australia team who were in Blackall last week. My husband, Nigel, had an appointment with Dr Dashwood at 10 am last Friday (21st Feb). Following the consultation, Dr Dashwood requested that Nigel have an echo test. Reception advised us to come back at 3.30 pm for that to be done.

As we live 60 km from town on a black soil road, and storms had been coming up every afternoon, it was not possible for us to wait in town that long. Stormy clouds were already starting to appear at 11 am. If we had waited, it would have been 5.30 by the time we got home, given it takes an hour or so. I knew we could not take that risk. We simply can’t afford to get stuck on the road, as Nigel is 84 and in a wheelchair, and I am 77. There was no one who would come looking for us if we didn’t turn up.

The team quickly showed its flexibility, and even though it probably did not suit them very well, they rescheduled the test to 11.30 am. We certainly appreciated this accommodation to our circumstances. And it was just as well, as we were home by 1 pm, and it started raining half an hour later. That earlier appointment made all the difference to us.

We were very happy that over the next succeeding days, we have ended up with 5 inches (125mm). We are now cut off from town, but are very content, having been able to fulfil the appointment and are now enjoying the tinges of green grass coming through.

I was also grateful for the support of the men who assisted with the wheelchair, not just in and out of the bus, but also in and out of our vehicle. It was most appreciated.

Please pass on our thanks to everyone.

Kind regards,

Lindsay MacDonald.”

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